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This page includes links to other sites. Links to external websites do not constitute endorsement by the Vernon Public School System of the linked websites or the opinions, information, products or services contained therein. When you link to new websites you will be subject to the privacy policies of those sites. The Vernon Public School System does not control the privacy policies of other websites and assumes no responsibility or liability for the actions of other website providers, including, but not limited to their use of your information.


Nutmeg Books - Intermediate Grades: https://www.thinglink.com/card/783756197168676864

Visit these WEB links for more resources that can enrich student learning:


Some excellent APPS!
Front Row - www.frontrowed.com/
SplashMath - www.splashmath.com/
Arcademics - www.arcademics.com
Math-A-Rama - www.eduplace.com/kids/mw/
Interactive Games - resources.oswego.org/games/
Get The Math - www.thirteen.org/get-the-math/
ToyTheater Math - www.toytheater.com/math.php
Math Moves U - www.mathmovesu.com/games
Mr. Nussbaum's Math Lab - mrnussbaum.com/math-for-kids/

MathsChallenge http://mathschallenge.net/. Devoted to the puzzling world of mathematics!

Math Forum www.mathforum.org. This online community includes teachers, students, researchers, parents and educators who have an interest in math and math education. The site includes Ask Dr. Math, Problems of the Week, discussion groups and much more. There are both student and parent tabs.

PBS Learning http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/mathcore/. Math activities aligned with the Common Core, specifically for middle school.

IXL Math www.ixl.com. A great resource for students and parents who want to get extra practice in math. Requires a subscription but you can sign up for a free month on a trial basis.

HippoCampus http://hippocampus.org/ HippoCampus.org is a free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content--videos, animations, and simulations--on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers and their students. Students can use the site in the evenings for study and exam prep. Users do not need to register or log in to use the site.

AAA Math www.AAAmath.com. Customized by grade level and topic, AAA Math features explanations of various mathematical topics, practice problems and fun, challenging games.

Khan Academy http://www.khanacademy.org/. A great resource for math explanations using video. Has now expanded to include other topics, including science and history.

Cool Math www.coolmath.com. This fully interactive site allows the user to sharpen basic math skills, play games and explore new math concepts.

Figure This www.figurethis.org. Created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, this site helps families enjoy mathematics outside school through a series of fun and engaging challenges.

Math Play http://www.math-play.com/Middle-School-Math-Games.html. For practicing math skills through games, with focus on middle school math.

Math League http://www.mathleague.com. The Math League, designed for students in fourth grade through high school, specializes in math contests, books and computer software. The “Help Facility” is handy reference guide for math topics complete with examples, definitions and explanations.

Fun Brain www.funbrain.com/numbers.html. This site includes 17 original games based on soccer, car racing and much more Other games include Math Baseball, where a child can score runs with correct answers and Operation Order, where students can build pyramids with their knowledge of algebra.

Math Cats www.mathcats.com. Appropriate for elementary grades, Math Cats provides playful explorations of important math concepts through games, crafts and interactive projects. Includes a magic chalkboard and an art gallery.

Math Playground www.mathplayground.com. Action packed math site for elementary and middle school students featuring math games, word problems, worksheets, logic puzzles, and more.

SOS Math http://www.sosmath.com. This site includes help for high school math topics.

Math Olympiads http://www.moems.org/index.htm The site for the Math Olympiads organization; includes sample contests.

Math Counts http://mathcounts.org/ The Match Counts Foundation site. Includes competition information and resources.

TED for KIDS http://www.ted.com/playlists/86/for_kids.html TED talks for kids on various topics – science, math, social studies, and the arts.


New England Civil War Museum www.newenglandcivilwarmuseum.com A local gem in dowtown Rockville with primary sources and artifacts from the Civil War.
America's Story by the Library of Congress http://www.americaslibrary.gov
This colorful site provides stories of America, along with puzzles, games, and interactive information.

The World Factbook https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities. Our Reference tab includes: maps of the major world regions,
well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map.

Channel One News http://www.channelone.com/news/ The news for students…

Smithsonian for Students
This is the student focused, education section of the main web site of the Smithsonian Institute. There are interesting articles about history and colorful pictures and graphics which bring history alive.

National Geographic for Kids http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ This is the student edition of National Geographic Magazine. There is information on different countries and their cultures.

Geography World Online http://geographyworldonline.com/ Created by a high school geography teacher. Excellent source of info on regions, culture, earth science, plate teutonics, agriculture and natural resources. Tremendous links to regional web sites, geography quizzes, and interactive maps.

Biography for Kids http://www.biography.com/tv/classroom This site features vivid graphics and easy to follow prompts to take students to historical figures.

Encyclopedia Britannica's Guide to Black History http://www.britannica.com/blackhistory
This site has 10 sections that contain historical facts, dates, people and events.

The National Women's History Project http://www.nwhp.org/
This site recognizes the contributions, achievements, and roles that women have played in the development of this nation.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/
This site documents the Holocaust and other events during World War II.

The American History Museum (Smithsonian) http://americanhistory.si.edu/index.cfm
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History dedicates its collections and scholarship to inspiring a broader understanding of our nation and its many peoples. We create opportunities for learning, stimulate imaginations, and present challenging ideas about our country’s past.

Kids.gov by the Federal Consumer Information Center http://www.kids.gov/
This site provides information and links to fact based sites for many educational subjects. There are also games and learning activities located in the Grades 6-8 site. Links to official state web sites are contained in this section.

HippoCampus http://hippocampus.org/ HippoCampus.org is a free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content--videos, animations, and simulations--on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers and their students. Students can use the site in the evenings for study and exam prep. Users do not need to register or log in to use the site.

Time for Kids by Time Magazine http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/kids/news
This is the students version of Time Magazine. It features weekly current events, celebrations, and maps in vivid graphics.

TED for KIDS http://www.ted.com/playlists/86/for_kids.html TED talks for kids on various topics – science, math, social studies, and the arts.

Lonely Planet http://www.lonelyplanet.com/ Based on the Lonely Planet Travel Guide series of books. Information on specific regions including maps, facts, history, environment, economics, current events and money. Good information for reports.


CT Invention Convention http://www.ctinventionconvention.org/ Official site for the competition.

Try Science www.tryscience.org/home.html. This site includes virtual fieldtrips and experiments students can try at home.

How Stuff Works www.howstuffworks.com. Based on the popular book series, this site includes fun and interesting discussions of how the world around us works.

Exploratorium http://exploratorium.com. This is a virtual science museum - a fun and interesting site!

BrainPop http://www.brainpop.com/science . A very creative and engaging animated website for students between middle and early high school level. BrainPop provides a wide variety of curriculum-based content in an accessible and fun format, and is a highly recommended and extensive resource for teachers and students.

Bill Nye http://www.billnye.com. Includes a “teachers and kids” tab and a search area for students who want to research specific topics. Also includes many archived episodes.

Discovery Education http://scienceofeverydaylife.discoveryeducation.com. Activities for teachers, families, and students who want to learn more about the scientific world.

Science Buddies http://www.sciencebuddies.org. One of the best resources around for science project ideas.

PBS http://www.pbs.org/topics/science-nature/. PBS is still at the forefront of resources for science education. Many videos are available, as well as archived episodes of NOVA.

Smithsonian http://www.si.edu/ This is the website of the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest museum and research organization composed of 19 museums, 9 research centers, and the National Zoo.

Government resources http://www.kids.gov This site provides information and links to fact based sites for many educational subjects. There are also games and learning activities located in the Grades 6-8 site. Links to official state web sites are contained in this section.

HippoCampus http://hippocampus.org/ HippoCampus.org is a free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content--videos, animations, and simulations--on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers and their students. Students can use the site in the evenings for study and exam prep. Users do not need to register or log in to use the site.

DANA Foundation http://www.dana.org/kids/ Information about the brain!

TED for KIDS http://www.ted.com/playlists/86/for_kids.html TED talks for kids on various topics – science, math, social studies, and the arts.


Visual Dictionary:

Word Games and Activities:

Grammar and citation help:

More grammar help:

Language Arts Games: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_vocab.htm

Evaluating writing, introductions, and conclusions:


Wacky Web Tales: http://www.eduplace.com/tales/index.html

Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary focused videos:

Build Your Own Dictionary: http://www.wordcentral.com/byod/byod_index.php

501 Writing Prompts: download the pdf http://www.misd.net/languageart/grammarinaction/501writingprompts.pdf

Writing Activities to do at home: http://www.education.com/activity/middle-school/writing/

Analogies: http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/phonics/analogies/analogiesx.htm

Free Rice/Vocabulary: Practice your vocabulary skills and donate food at the same time: http://freerice.com/#/english-vocabulary/1416

Spelling Bee http://www.spellingbee.com/ Official site of the Scripps National Spelling Bee

HippoCampus http://hippocampus.org/ HippoCampus.org is a free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content--videos, animations, and simulations--on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers and their students. Students can use the site in the evenings for study and exam prep. Users do not need to register or log in to use the site.


https://conjuguemos.com/register.php# A free site for practicing languages; requires registration.













Apps for German:

Learn German Baby Flash Cards by eFlashApps

Living Language German by Random House Digital


Wellness http://kidshealth.org/ Includes tabs for kids, parents, and teens.

Nutrition http://www.choosemyplate.gov/kids/index.html

Nutrition and Fitness Games http://www.healthtrek.org/

Helath topics for tweens and teens http://www.nutrition.gov/life-stages/adolescents/tweens-and-teens

Bullying http://www.stopbullying.gov/

Cyberbullying http://learningstarts.org/cyberbullying-how-parents-can-help