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We're super excited to have all SRS students participate in the CT Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge this year along with SRS math fact fun! 

Throughout the summer there are many creative ways to maintain and practice your math skills! Please click on the link to see the math adventures that you can complete each week and you can also practice your basic math facts! We encourage you to complete all seven adventures and practice your facts before school starts in August. As you complete an adventure or practice your math facts, please fill out the google form to tell us about your experience!

We will celebrate students who have completed the math adventures when we return to school! 

Summer Math Adventures: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1obYkm_tt_xJxUvS0h76nGtNZlkFVMQrf/view?usp=sharing

SRS Summer Math Challenge Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkNyzM8XuFFbndZAr0_aXrhRwXtCe7MelETLLPIVU80Y4YxQ/viewform?usp=sharing

Complete the Google Form to show your participation!