First Grade
Welcome to first grade! This is a year of tremendous growth for your child. You will see your child blossom in reading, writing, and math. In reading we work hard to learn new strategies for decoding tricky words, learning new vocabulary, and comprehending both fiction and nonfiction texts. We also dive into social studies and science topics through our reading. In writing, we learn to sound out words and express our ideas through narrative and informational writing. In math, we use tools and strategies to gain a deep understanding of addition and subtraction within 100, geometry, time, and place value.
A day in the life of a first grader is productive and fun! These subjects are taught in whole group, small group, and one on one settings, based on student need. Additionally, students use programs such as Lexia and iReady, which provide added instruction and assignments that are tailored to your child's specific goals. Through all of this hard work, you will be amazed at how much your child learns this year!