Fifth Grade
We are very excited to have the opportunity to teach fifth grade. We are looking forward to watching each student grow and mature into responsible children. This year we continue to focus on being a S.T.A.R. The following rules will be in effect for the rest of the school year.
*Be a S.T.A.R= Safe, Truthful, Academic, Respectful
*Be responsible and always be prepared by completing homework and class work on time.
*Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself and treat others the way you want to be treated.
*Follow directions.
*Be kind to one another and respect the rules.
*Do your BEST and HAVE FUN!
Your child will be given 30-60 minutes of homework Monday through Thursday. This includes daily work that has not been completed in class or assigned “homework”. Homework reinforces what students are learning in school. It helps teach responsibility and aids in making them life long learners. Each child has received a daily assignment book in which all homework assignments and long-term projects will be written in the book. Parents may communicate through this assignment book and we ask that parents please look in their child's assignment book each Thursday and sign it.