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Dual Enrollment Programs at RHS- Your Opportunity To Earn College Credits At RHS

RHS Dual Enrollment Classes and Costs for 2024-25

RHS COURSE  UCONN # UCONN COURSE College Credits Earned Cost
Floral Design ECE SPSS 2520 Floral Art 2 $100 billed to you by UConn
CT Agriculture in the 21st Century ECE SPSS 1150 Agricultural Technology and Society 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Animal Behavior ECE ANSC 1602 Behavior Training of Domestic Animals 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Intro to Companion Animal Management ECE ANSC 1676 Intro to Companion Animal Management 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Plant System Fundamentals ECE SPSS 1110 Fundamentals of Horticulture 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Biotechnology ECE SPSS 3230 Biotechnology- Science, Application, Impact, Perception 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Advanced Floral Design ECE SPSS 3530 Advanced Floral Design 2 $100 billed to you by UConn
Academic Writing ECE ENGL 1007 Seminar & Studio in Writing 4 $200 billed by UConn
American Studies ECE (English) AMST 1201 Introduction to American Studies 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
American Studies ECE (History)
Spanish V ECE SPAN 3178     Int. Spanish Composition 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
SPAN 3179 Spanish Conversation: Cultural Topics 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
If You Love It, Teach It ECE EDCI 1100 If You Love It, Teach It 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Discrete Mathematics ECE MATH 1030Q Elementary Discrete Mathematics 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Digital Media Design: Design Lab 1 ECE DMD 1101 Design Lab I 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Digital Media Design: Design Lab 2 ECE DMD 1102 Design Lab II 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Advanced Game Design ECE DMD 2500 Intro to Game Design 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
DMD: Film & Video Editing ECE DMD 2210 Film and Video Editing 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
DMD: Foundations of Digital Multimedia Design ECE DMD 1002 Foundations in Digital Media and Design 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Allied Health I ECE AH 1100 Introduction to Allied Health Professions 1 $50 billed to you by UConn
Environmental Science ECE NRE 1000 Environmental Science 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Biology ECE BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology I 4 $200 billed by UConn
Chemistry ECE  CHEM 1127  General Chemistry I  4 $200 billed by UConn
Modern European History ECE HIST 1400 Modern Western Traditions 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Introduction to Human Rights ECE HRTS 1007 Introduction to Human Rights 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
Contemp. Social Issues in Sport ECE EDLR 2001 Contemporary Issues in Sport 3 $150 billed to you by UConn
RHS COURSE  ECSU # ECSU COURSE College Credits Earned Cost
Drawing I - ECE ART 202 Drawing I 3 $75 collected by RHS
Painting I - ECE ART 215 Painting I 3 $75 collected by RHS
Two-Dimensional Studio Art ECE-- S1 & S2 ART 110 Two-Dimensional Design Elements 3 $75 collected by RHS
Advanced Creative Writing 2 ECE Humanities Scholar ECE ENG 201 Creative Writing for Non-Majors 3 $75 collected by RHS
ENG 125 ENG 125 Introduction to Literature 3 $75 collected by RHS
Public Speaking ECE COM 230 Public Speaking 3 $75 collected by RHS
Spanish IV ECE SPAN 210 & SPAN 211 Introduction to Spanish Literature 6 $150 collected by RHS
French IV ECE FRE 210 & FRE 211 Introduction to French Literature 6 $150 collected by RHS
Calculus ECE MAT 243 Calculus I with Technology 3 $75 collected by RHS
Statistics ECE MAT 216 Statistical Data Analysis 3 $75 collected by RHS
RHS COURSE SCSU # SCSU COURSE College Credits Earned Cost
Pre-Calculus ECE MAT 122 Pre-Calculus 3 $65 billed to you by SCSU
Personal Finance CCP BFN 111 Financial Literacy 3 Free
Accounting 1-College CCP ACC 113 Financial Accounting 3 Free
Baking I & II CCP HSP 103 Principles of Baking I 3 Free
RHS COURSE MxCC # MIDDLESEX COURSE College Credits Earned Cost
Veterinary Science I VET 1003 Animal Care and Handling 3 Free
Veterinary Science II VET 1001 Introduction to Veterinary Technology 3 Free

College Credit Opportunities at RHS- For additional details on which RHS courses qualify for which program, please visit our Program of Studies.

For information on using the college credits you have earned through your RHS courses, please review the following:


How to request your ECSU transcript

How to enroll in the CT Community College Partnership Program