Hello! My name is Jamie Wisset, and I am the music teacher at Northeast School. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in Music Education from the University of Connecticut in 2018. Voice is my main instrument, but I also have a strong passion and background in musical theatre.
The music room at NES is a place where students sing, dance, play instruments, play games, and compose and notate music. All students in Grades K-5 attend music class for 40 minutes, as part of a three-day rotation with P.E. and Art.
Elementary Music is so important to students' development. It provides students with an outlet to express themselves and contributes to growing students' confidence and independence. It is my goal to make music as engaging for students as possible, and to help foster a life-long love for music in all students.
In Vernon, our music program is based on the National Standards for Music Education:
*Singing alone and with others
*Performing alone and with others on instruments
*Moving to music
*Reading and writing music
*Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
*Evaluating musical performances
*Understanding the relationships between music and other disciplines
*Relating music to different cultures and our own lives
4th and 5th Grade Chorus:
4th and 5th Graders have the exciting opportunity to be part of the NES Chorus. Throughout the year, Chorus members learn how to use their singing voices, how to sing in 2-part harmony and how to perform in a group setting. Hard work during our weekly rehearsals helps prepare students for our Winter and Spring concerts.