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Fourth Grade

Our fourth graders are rapidly becoming “nose in the book” readers. Readers start off the year by using their reading past to become great readers in the future.  We have thought about what kinds of things are important to have quality reading time, and we have set goals about what we would like to achieve as readers. It is amazing to see everyone become excited about different genres! This year we will read about natural disasters, historical events, the five regions of the US, and Greek Mythology!

We always look forward to the first math unit in 4th grade! Our math program encourages so many hands on activities, and our first unit, place value, is a perfect introduction to fourth grade math. As we move through the year, fourth graders will learn about multiplying and dividing large numbers, fractions and decimals, the metric system, and geometry! 

There is so much to learn in fourth grade, and we always have a blast doing so!