Hello! My name is Katherine Smallidge, and I am the music teacher at Lake Street School!
Music is crucial to students’ cognitive and expressive development, and has the power to uplift confidence and build relationships. My goal is to help my students become independent learners who will create, perform, and enjoy music throughout their lives.
In Vernon, our music program is based on the National Standards for Music Education:
* singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music;
* performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music;
* improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments;
* composing and arranging music within specified guidelines;
* reading and notating music;
* listening to, analyzing, and describing music;
* evaluating music and music performances;
* understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts; and
* understanding music in relation to history and culture
However, we are currently in the process of transitioning our curriculum to reflect the new National Standards for Music Education ~ providing rich and valuable opportunities for students to “Create, Perform, Respond, and Connect” to music!
5th Grade Band
Becoming part of the band is an exciting opportunity for fifth grade students in Vernon. Band members can learn to play the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone or percussion. Hard work and lots of practice will help to get these students ready for their three concerts. Band members should be practicing four or five days a week, 15-20 minutes each practice session. The band director is Mrs. Kelly Stein should you have any questions about the band program.