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Second Grade


Mrs. Bethin


Mrs. Ellis

Welcome to 2nd grade at Lake Street School! Second grade is a busy and exciting year, filled with fun memories and engaging learning activities. We will learn about fascinating topics with science experiments and math investigations; we’ll make new friends, write stories, read new books, and learn how to be a more independent learner!

We continue to teach through a Reading and Writing Workshop model. We will learn by using a multitude of fictional and non-fictional books. Second grade authors will write small moment stories, personal narratives, informational books and poems.

Second grade implements a Math Workshop model. Math focuses on developing a strong number sense and understanding of place value. Students will learn strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems within 1,000. Mathematicians will solve word problems and explain their strategies and thinking. Students are expected to master basic math facts through 20. They will build fact fluency through hands on games and technology.

Science and Social Studies are integrated during the school year to cover topics such as Animals and Habitats, Map Skills, Making the World a Better Place, Vernon is My Community, National Heroes and Matter. Health topics include Personal Safety and Healthy Choices. In addition, some exciting activities include our Apple Day, Friendsgiving Share and 100th Day Celebration. We are looking forward to a wonderful year full of learning!