People Investing in People Foundation
Pictured - Mrs. Motes, Win Belu-John (President and Founder of PiiP) and Mrs. Lee
Who are working in partnership with the People Investing in People Foundation to give their students opportunities to partner with their peers in Ghana.
Pictured above are the Elders in Council and the Queen Mother (Keepers of the Land) for the community our students are working with.
(After you click on one of their links, scroll down the page to see the additional information below the logo.)
Within each unit, students in Vernon and Ghana learn particular lessons, complete activities and team-up digitally. We will be sharing pictures and information along the way!
Ghana Learning Experiences (additional videos, pictures and 2018-19 materials)
2019-2020 Ghana Exchange - Global Problem
Solver unit begins with where we live and how we get water.