All students are required to register their vehicle using the on-line permit registration system.
Once the on-line form is complete, students will be required to bring the following items to the main office to receive a parking permit:
Valid vehicle registration
Valid insurance card
Drivers license
Students are required to park in parking lot C (student parking lot on the north side of the building). Students may not park in any other areas during school hours, with exception to handicapped parking spaces with a valid state issued handicapped parking permit.
Parking permits are only valid for the school year in which they were issued. Violation of parking rules and regulations as outlined below may result in suspension or termination of driving rights.
General Parking Rules and Regulations
Issued parking permits must be displayed on the rear most window of the vehicle, on the drivers side rear corner
Parking passes and non-transferrable and are only valid for the vehicle and person that the permit was issued to
Parking is permitted in assigned parking areas during school hours only
All vehicles must be parked in a legal, non-reserved parking space. Parking is not permitted at anytime in any firelane or restricted parking area
Attended parking, for the purpose of actively loading or unloading a vehicle, is permitted for the duration it takes to load or unload the vehicle only
Operators are expected to operate vehicles in a safe manner, following all local, state, and federal laws and regulations at all times. Unsafe operation of a vehicle may be addressed by school staff or law enforcement
The speed limit on all access roadways and parking lots is 10 MPH
Parking on property is done so at the operators own risk. Vernon Public Schools and the Town of Vernon is not responsible for damage or theft to any vehicle or personal property. Vehicles failing to follow established rules, regulations, and laws may be towed without further notice at the owner's expense. Vehicles parked on any Vernon Public Schools property may be subject to search at anytime.