ID Badges
General Information
Your ID card serves as you official Vernon Public Schools identification badge and must be worn at all times while working. You should also have your ID badge anytime you visit the Central Administration Building to expedite your check in process.
Copy and Print Access
Your ID card will allow you to access the copy machines to print, scan and, copy in every school using an embedded chip inside of the ID card. You will need to set up your ID card to work with the copy machine anytime you receive a new ID card. Tap your ID card to the reader attached to any copy machine, enter your username and password (case sensitive) you use to log into your computer and your badge will be automatically activated. You may retrieve printed documents sent to the VPS-FOLLOW-YOU printer on any copy machine in any building.
Please note that the keyboards on the copy machines are very small. It is recommended that you use a stylus or pencil eraser to type in your username/password.
Door Access
Your ID card will allow you access into each of the seven school buildings, Monday through Friday, 6:30 AM to 9:30 PM, using an embedded chip inside of each ID card. There are several doors in each school that have an electronic card reader that will allow you to use your badge to unlock the door and access the building. If you require weekend access, or need to access the building before or after the listed building hours, please consult your building administrator.
Lost, stolen, or non-working ID cards
If you ID card becomes lost, stolen, or stops working please e-mail as soon as possible so we can deactivate your ID card to prevent malicious use. A new ID card will be issued to you and sent via interoffice mail, or you may stop by the Central Administration building during business hours to have a new card printed for you.