Elementary Acceptable Use Guidelines
Guidelines for Use of Technology in Vernon Elementary Schools (K-5)
Vernon Public Schools recognizes that access to technology in school gives students greater opportunities to learn, collaborate, communicate, and develop skills that will prepare them for work, life, and citizenship. We are committed to helping students develop 21st century technology and communication skills. To that end, we provide access to technologies, such as, but not limited to Google Apps for Education, for student and staff use.
This document outlines the guidelines and behaviors that users are expected to follow when using school technologies or when using personally-owned devices as detailed in Vernon Board of Education Policies 5131.81, 5131.82, 6141.3, 6141.326, & 6141.328.
In addition, users must comply with Connecticut Law regarding cyber bullying. Connecticut law defines cyberbullying as “any act of bullying through the use of the Internet, interactive and digital technologies, cellular mobile telephones or other mobile electronic devices or any electronic communications.” (Con. Gen Stat. Ann. §10-222d.)
My behavior and language are to follow the same rules on the computer or device as I follow in my class and in my school. To help myself and others, I agree to the following:
1. I will use the computer or device to do the school work that my teacher asks.
2. I will use the Internet only with my teacher’s permission.
3. I will keep my passwords private. (It is okay to share them with your parents!)
4. I will only upload, link or share pictures with my teacher’s permission.
5. I will do my own work and not copy other people’s work.
6. I will give credit to the source of information I learn on the computer.
7. I will not damage the computer, change settings or modify anyone else’s work.
8. I will only be where I am instructed to be on the computer or device.
9. I understand that my computer use is not private; my teacher or the school district can monitor my activity and files I have saved.
10. I will be respectful and responsible with my computer use at school and at home.
Print Student’s Name: ______________________________ School: ___________ Grade:___
Student’s Signature __________________________________________ Date: ____________
Parents: I have read and discussed with my child the Guidelines for Use of Technology in Vernon Elementary Schools. I understand that computer access is conditional upon adherence to the guidelines above. Although students are supervised when using these resources, and their use may be electronically monitored, I am aware of the possibility that my child may gain access to material that school officials and I may consider inappropriate or not of educational value.
Print Parent’s Name _________________________________________ Date _____________
Parent’s Signature _____________________________________________________________
This agreement needs to be signed and returned to the teacher. Thank you!