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Office of Pupil Services

Robert Nagashima
Director of Pupil Services

Sharon Smith
Administrative Assistant


Melissa Ross
Elementary Special Education Supervisor

Frances Fox
Administrative Assistant


Jacqueline Middleton
Secondary Special Education Supervisor

Frances Fox
Administrative Assistant

Laura Gouin
Preschool Program Specialist


Jessica Patras
Magnet Schools Facilitation Administrator
Jessica Patras@vernonct.org


Marisol DeLeon-Peterson
Administrative Assistant, Magnet Schools
        860-896-4650         MDeLeonPetersen@vernon-ct.gov


Mission Statement

The mission of the Pupil Services Department is to provide specially designed instruction to students with exceptional learning needs in order to engage them meaningfully in high quality learning environments so that each and every child has the opportunity to achieve a high level of success both in and out of the classroom.

Our department offers a variety of support services for Vernon students and families including special education, speech and language therapy, school psychology, school social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, adaptive physical education, hearing impairment services, health services, gifted and talented support, English Language Learners (ELL) tutoring, and behavioral support.

The collaboration between special education and general education staff fosters a learning environment conducive to supporting all students in working towards achieving Vernon’s rigorous standards. Individual needs are identified and specific programs are designed and planned through the Planning and Placement team (PPT) process. The PPT identifies students that are eligible for special education and collaboratively develops Individual Educational Plans (IEPs). The creation of the IEP and the delivery of services are done in collaboration with the general education teacher, parents, and related service providers, and are implemented within the Least Restrictive Environment.

Parents and families are valuable and meaningful partners in the Planning and Placement Team process. The Vernon Public Schools believes that on-going communication and collaboration between home and school are vital in fostering success for students.