Health /School Nurse's Office
Hand Sanitizer Proper Use and Warnings
The goal of the Vernon Public Schools Health Program is to assist each student to attain and maintain his/her optimum state of health so that he/she may benefit to the maximum degree from his/her educational experience.
The school nurse strengthens and facilitates the educational process by modifying or removing health barriers to learning in individual student and by promoting an optimal level of wellness for students and staff.
The nurse assumes the responsibility for appropriate assessment, planning and intervention. She also serves as a direct contact between physicians, families and community agencies in order to assure access to health care and continuity for students. The nurse provides relevant instruction, counseling and guidance to students, staff and parents.
The nurse adheres to district policies and administrative guidelines. The school nurse upholds professional standards as outlined in the State Nurse Practice Act, and other state and local statutes and regulations.
The School Medical Advisor is a certified physician (M.D.). In this role, the physician, through collaboration with the School Nurse Supervisor, School Administrators and the Board of Education, when needed, provides direction and guidance to the continuing development of the school health program. The physician acts as a resource person and technical advisor in health related areas.
Ways to Prevent Respiratory Viruses
- Concussion Parent Student Education and Consent
- Concussion Fact Sheet
- Flu, Parent Letter
- Food and Allergy Management Plan
- Fourth Grade Girls
- Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
- Husky Insurance
- Husky Insurance, Spanish
- Immunization Information
- Immunization Requirements 2023-2024
- Medication Administration at School
- Physical Requirement Kindergarten, Grade 7 and Grade 11
- Preschool Lead Screening Requirement
- Reporting Illness/Sick Day Guidelines
- School Entry Health Requirements
- Start Letter 23-24
- Snack List, Recommended
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Parent Education and Consent
- Tuberculosis Screening Guidelines
- Food Allergy Action Plan
- Medication Administration Form
- Physicals and Immunizations Parent Information
- Physical, other than Preschool NEW
- Physical, Preschool Health Assessment Record NEW
- PreK Immunization Guidance NEW
- Physical-Immunization Guidance NEW
- Physical-Immunization Medical Exemption NEW
- Sports Physical
Victoria Martucci, Nurse Supervisor
Patricia Albert, SRS
Theresa Morello, NES
Kelly Maurice, VCMS
Michelle Pawlina, CRS
Amy Shannon, LSS
Lisa Vincze, RHS
Jennifer Ward, SRS