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The Vernon Public School District, in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. §§10-184 and 10-220 and the “Suggested Procedures for Home Instruction” outlined by the Connecticut State Department of Education in Circular Letter C-14 (page 2, section III), has adopted the following procedures for home school instruction. These policies are in no way meant to be intrusive; they have been designed simply to ensure that all Vernon children are receiving the instruction to which they are entitled to and that the district is compliant with state laws and reporting guidelines.

  1. The parent/guardian withdraws their child from Vernon Public Schools at the school level.
    • Complete a “Withdraw to Homeschool” or “Record Release, Withdrawal, and Transcript Request” form and submit it to the school the child attends.
    • School secretaries inform the Assistant Superintendent’s Office of the withdrawal to homeschool.
  2. The parent/guardian completes a VPS Notice of Intent form and submits the form(s) to the Assistant Superintendent’s office within 10 days of the start of homeschool instruction.
  3. The Assistant Superintendent reviews the Notice of Intent form for completeness and signs it.
  4. The Assistant Superintendent’s Office sends a confirmation letter to the parent/guardian along with a copy of the signed VPS Notice of Intent.
  5. The Assistant Superintendent’s Office sends a “year-end” letter by July 15th,  which will include:
    1. Contact information for building principals for parents/guardians who wish to schedule a portfolio review.
    2. A blank Notice of Intent form to be submitted for the following school year. 
  6. The parent/guardian, if they choose to do so, contacts building principal of the school their child would normally attend if they were attending in district to schedule a portfolio review.

For questions concerning home school instruction, please contact Taryn Olin at tolin@vernon-ct.gov or (860) 870-6000 ext. 4676.