Physical Education
~A Message from the Physical Education Team~
The physical education program at CRS offers movement supplemented with activities involving development of sport skills. The main focus of the program aims at helping children become more coordinated and confident in their ability to perform a variety of physical tasks. Our goal is to expose all of our students to a wide range of fitness and sport activities with the hope that they will all live a heathy and active lifestyle. We hope that our monthly fitness challenges help promote small ways in which students can achieve this healthy lifestyle outside of school as well. We also want to emphasize a positive self-image through success in physical skills. We reinforce the importance of team relationships, sportsmanship and cooperation.
At Center Road School, all students meet for 40 minutes per class. All students are required to wear sneakers and appropriate clothing while participating in class. Please make sure you are aware of your child's schedule and make sure they are prepared on physical education days. Thank you for your cooperation!