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Second Grade

~A Message from The Teachers ~

Welcome to second grade! This year we will continue to develop skills in reading, math, and writing. In Math, we focus on developing a strong number sense and having the students explain their thinking as we explore the topics of addition and subtraction with larger numbers, place value to the hundreds, fractions, time, and repeated addition as a stepping stone to multiplication. In Reading, we continue to develop our decoding skills but also go deeper into understanding the texts we read and analyze characters, text structure, finding the main idea and supporting details, and jotting down our own thoughts as we read. Science and Social Studies topics are integrated into our reading and include a Nutrition unit where the students learn how to be healthy and the 5 food groups and our Coming to America unit where students explore their own family heritage and stories of immigration to America. A special part of our year is when we celebrate the 101st day of school with 101Dalmatians reading, math, and writing activities. Our students grow so quickly and really rise to meet the challenges that second grade brings.

small group