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Fourth Grade

~A Message from The Fourth Grade Team~
Welcome to fourth grade! We are delighted to be your child’s teachers this year. We will surely have an exciting year full of meaningful learning. This year students in fourth grade will study a variety of exciting new topics! In math, we will learn more about multiplication, quadrilaterals, fractions, and rounding numbers. Students will continue to develop a love for reading and will read texts at their level on a daily basis. Editing and publishing stories will be highlighted all year long. In addition, we will be visiting several interesting places during the school year. In Science, we will explore landforms, erosion, electricity, and energy. We’re also excited to learn about all 50 States and their capitals as well as maps skills and the constitution in Social Studies. We are excited for a wonderful year of learning, new friendships, and lifelong memories.

Students are Belding Reserve
Students learning about soil erosion.