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Fourth Grade

Alicia Annelli

Cassidy Ricciardone

Sarah Roos

Welcome to Fourth Grade at Maple Street School! This year our students will embark upon many challenging and rewarding educational adventures. We hope that you find this to be an exciting year of transition for your student.
Three Key Learnings of Math
  • Students will further develop their understanding of multiplication and division. Students will learn a variety of strategies to help them solve equations up to four digit numbers. Make sure they are studying their basic facts!
  • Students will further develop their understanding of fractions, focusing on adding and subtracting fractions and equivalent fractions.
  • Students will dive further into geometry this year. They will explore line segments, rays, different types of angles, and two dimensional figures.
Please visit the following website in order to support your student’s learning in Math:
Three Key Learnings of English Language Arts
  • Students are engaging with text at a higher level of understanding. They will have regular practice with complex text and academic language in order to enahnce their understanding. They will spend 50% of their time reading fiction and 50% of their time reading nonfiction. We will also continue working on their stamina. Make sure they are reading 100 minutes a week outside of school!
  • Students will develop their understanding of how to ask and answer questions within a text through close reading. They will be required to read a text and ask/answer questions by citing evidence from within the text. In fourth grade, students are challenged to support their findings with multiple forms of evidence.
  • This year we are using two different programs to support word development and grammar understanding. These programs are Words Their Way andFundamentals. These programs are catered to the needs of the students and work on where they need the most support in alignment with the Common Core Standards.
Please visit the following website in order to support your student’s learning in Reading: